WoW Horde PvE Guild - Jaedenar EU
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Blackwing Descent: 10 (N) (3/7) : Magmaw - KILLED || Omitron Defense System - KILLED || Chimaeron - Pending || Atramedes - Pending || Maloriak - KILLED || Nefarian and Onyxia - Pending

Throne of the four winds: 10 (N) (0/2) : Conclave of Wind - Pending || Al'akir - Pending

Bastion of Twilight: 10 (N) (1/4) : Halfus Wyrmbreaker - KILLED || Valiona and Theralion - Pending || Ascendant Council - Pending || Cho'gall - Pending

Currently Guild is on SOCIAL status. Thanks for being with us.

BioHazard :: Gallery :: Screenies


Screenies Wowscr20
zul gurub 2
Screenies Wowscr19
zul gurub
Screenies Wowscr18
wowscrnshot 123110 185235
What going on here?!? this happens when i dont move!
DK out of control!
Dont tell to anyone
Retribution Druid
I has Rocket launcher on my bear butt!!
Rocket Butt Bear!
What is this Iceflow has Balance tree?! Omg hes really a druid!
Iceflow really a druid?
Tiger-Crow lol
wowscrnshot 123009 021434
Just for fun.. Picture of how Horde outnumbers us :D
Mighty allies!
With my warrior pulled the dragon from near caverns of time to Tanaris ))))
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Moderators : None